Certified Meeting Professional Program Gets Major Update, New Exam Coming in August

Certified Meeting Professional Program Gets Major Update, New Exam Coming in August

The Events Industry Council (EIC) released an update to its Certified Meeting Professional International Standards (CMP-IS) on Thursday. This is the first significant revision to the certification program’s core competencies since 2017.

The update process included a global survey, focus groups conducted by assessment firm Prometric, and bias and validity testing. The new exam will be beta-tested starting April 1, and the updated version will launch in August 2025. Later this year, an updated EIC Manual will be released.

“As our sector continues to evolve, adapt and innovate, the CMP programme is evolving to ensure its relevance,” said EIC President and CEO Amy Calvert.

The changes follow input from more than 1,000 subject matter experts. “The global CMP community prides itself for its commitment to continuous learning and the highest level of professionalism,” said CMP Governance Commission Chair Heather Seasholtz. “This update to the CMP International Standards is a testament to our ongoing pursuit of excellence,” she added.

The revised standards reflect significant shifts in the meetings industry by introducing three new domains: Sustainability and Social Impact (5%), Technology Integration (5%), and Evaluation Process (5%). These additions decrease the weight of Event Design in the exam from 34% to 25%, and Site Management decreases from 14% to 10%. Risk Management sees an increase from 5% to 7% of the exam content, while Financial Management’s portion decreases from 11% to 7%.

“We are grateful for the many CMPs who volunteered, especially the CMP Governance Commission, for their time and expertise to this project. Their contributions will help prepare a resilient workforce,” said Senthil Gopinath, EIC Board Chair and CEO of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA). 

The CMP certification, established in 1985, requires candidates to demonstrate professional experience, complete educational requirements, and pass an exam. More than 13,000 meeting professionals in 55 countries currently hold the designation. The EIC represents over 103,500 individuals and 19,500 entities through its 34 member associations and 30 corporate members globally.

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